Personal Website

Roland Seib

Photo galleries from Africa and Middle East:


Bild 204
Egypt 1980
the Great Sphinx of Giza)
38 photos

Bild 205
Jordan and Petra 1980, 30 photos
Archaeological map of Petra here

Bild 324
North Yemen 1988
85 photos

Bild 327
Mali 1999
(photo: Niger near Mopti)
89 photos

Bild 328
Mali 2004 (photo: market
and Great Mosque of Djenné)
57 photos

Bild 326
Niger 2003
86 photos

Bild 203
Guinea-Bissau 1983
38 photos

The layout, photographs, and other contents on this Homepage are protected by copyright law.

© Roland Seib 2010-2025