Personal Website

Roland Seib

Photo galleries and maps from the Pacific:
Melanesia, Polynesia and Micronesia


                                                                                         Map of Oceania here                

                        Pacific Island states 2020 Statistical Summary, Pacific Community here                

Bild 57

Bild 56
Map of West Papua here

West Papua, 79 photos
Link Photo Gallery: The Baliem Valley
and Dani Culture, West Papua

Mining in West Papua 2008 (photo:
strike at Freeport mine), 30 photos

Link Photo Gallery: The Grasberg
copper mine, West Papua

Map of the island New Guinea link         

The best map of Papua New Guinea (UN 2004) here         

Detailed map of PNG 1990 here         

PNG´s World Development Indicators (EITI 2016) here         

PNG at a glance (2017) here         

Papua New Guinea I:
       Historical Port Moresby, 61 photos

Bild 29 Papua New Guinea II:
    Port Moresby and the South-West coast,
    101 photos

Bild 66
Papua New Guinea III: South-East coast,
39 photos

Bild 30 Papua New Guinea IV:
The Highlands, 100 photos

Bild 43 Papua New Guinea V-I:
Impressions from the cultural shows
in Goroka, Eastern Highlands
  (photo: Asaro Mudwomen),
100 photos

Papua New Guinea V-II:
2017 Goroka cultural show, 69 photos

  Bild 97

Papua New Guinea VI: Climbing Mount Wilhelm, view from the summit,
31 photos

Bild 62

Bild 31a

           Bild 68   
Papua New Guinea VII:
North coast and the islands
(photo: Madang Highway),
102 photos


Historical excursus:
German New Guinea,
79 photos

Papua New Guinea IX: present Rabaul 2012, 38 photos

Bild 64

Bild 28 Mining in Papua New Guinea 1933-2020
(photo: Ok Tedi Mining Limited 1983),
61 photos   

Art of Papua New Guinea: Postage stamps 1952 - 1978

Bild 155

stamps 1952-64 here, 1965-67 here, 1968-71 here, 1972-74 here, 1975-78 here

Note: Each photo has more than 38 MB (!)

Bild 39
Solomon Islands 2006, 11 photos 

Bild 51 Vanuatu 2011 (photo: Port Vila),
40 photos

Bild 207
Aotearoa - New Zealand 1998
From Christchurch to
Milford Sound, 36 photos

Aotearoa - New Zealand 2016-2017: Waitakere Ranges, 97 photos

Bild 64

Bild 41
Holidays on Ovalau, Fiji 1988, 16 photos

          Bild 40 Impressions of Fiji, Tuvalu, Kiribati,
Marshall Islands and Nauru 2006, 31 photos  

        Bild 50
Puleʻanga Fakatuʻi ʻo Tonga
The Kingdom of Tonga 2011
(pro-democracy leader Akilisi Pohiva),
79 photos

Bild 74 Impressions of Apia,
Western Samoa 1971, 29 photos       

Bild 48
The Independent State of Samoa 2011
74 photos

To Walk Under Palm Trees. The
Germans in Samoa: Snapshots from
Albums; eBook by Tony Brunt,
March 2016 link

 Collection Link: Fāgogo:
Fables from Samoa  

Bild 49
American Samoa 2011, 45 photos

Bild 44 Niue (photo: Woven hats at
Hakupo Show Day), 15 photos

Bild 52
Kūki 'Airani - Cook Islands 2011
(photo: Aitutaki)
80 photos

Bild 42 Te Ao Maohi - French Polynesia 1994,
23 photos

Bild 32 Te pito o te henua (The Navel of the World)
Rapa Nui - Easter Island 2000,
19 photos   

Bild 156
Art of Rapa Nui:
Stone art (hier) and wood art (hier)

Each photo has more than 60 MB (!)

Bild 65
Hawai´i 2010, 28 photos

The layout, photographs, and other contents on this Homepage are protected by copyright law.

© Roland Seib 2010-2024